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SE Asia and new ideas in stratigraphy

Stratigraphy is a neglected science that binds together regional geology (the development of mountains and basins) with the sediments that were eroded from the highs and deposited in the lows. SE Asia is an outstanding area in which to develop this integrating science as here it differs from passive continental margins, where there were always hinterland mountains and oceanic basins. In those passive basins stratigraphy is a much smaller scale study, yet stratigraphic publications are dominated by lessons learned from such dull, inactive areas.

“The Orbulina datum” is a globally famous age marker in sedimentary rocks. It was first proposed in 1948 on material from Sumatra. This site is all about using other studies in the region to contribute to the global development of geology.

The author is currently a partner in Stratos Energy Advisors, based in Kuala Lumpur